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Standing, feet on the ground, in plain dense sunlight.
So much to discover, to see, to consider,
of this pretty nature which calls us all over.
To immerse oneself, beyond our reality,
back in this recovered originality.

Personally, I have always been curious about the eco system that surrounds us.
It is an inexhaustible source of discovery and learning. How can the hummingbird remain motionless? How do geysers occur?
But it is also a way to better understand the questions of our society. The numerous debates on neonicotinoids or systemic weed killers have agricultural and agronomic origins, but also industrial, medical, political, geographical,…
Finally, it is delightful. There is a feeling of eternity in seeing the sun rise during a hike in the mountains.

No militancy here, ecology is a science that studies living environments. It does not change anything.

It is up to each of us to choose the efforts we prioritize to keep these living environments in the best conditions. Lowering the heating, moving less and better, reducing the carbon footprint of our food, improving our purchases, many options exist. Imposing a single, common action would have two negative effects.
The first is refusal. For example, if I wash myself mainly with cold water, it is because I have progressively set myself a goal that is not so difficult to reach. The effort/gain balance is very positive because I find many gains in my case and I was able to adapt my effort. Imposed on a group, I could understand rebelling against the same effort.
Then the imbalance. When a large group of people applies a policy too brutally, the mass effect can make collateral effects sensitive. Banning polluting vehicles from city centers encourages some to take public transport, but others will have new resources extracted to build an extra car that pollutes only slightly less.

Convenience and speed are two great enemies of our future. Let’s take the time to enjoy our present. If I buy in bulk instead of over-wrapped individual packages, if my package arrives in two weeks instead of two days, if I make my own pizza instead of having it delivered by a Hubert, it will only be a drop in the bucket. But that will feed the river that our future needs.

Sunrise on the Fontargente lake in the french Pyrénées